
Legend of The Silver Rat

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seekingmysoul's avatar

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It was early morning in the township of "Never Been There", the was a great commotion as all the township had gathered in the town square. The people had gathered and were discussing the plight they were facing; a terrible invasion of rats that had invaded their town and seemed to be taking over everywhere. There were rats in the lofts, scurrying through the kitchens, parlous and even the sleeping citizens as they slept, squeak, squeak, and scurrying at all hours. No place was safe. Nightly screams were heard from then children and people as they woke in fright, seeing red beady eyes and and fangs that seemed to be ready to strike and bite the people.

The proclamation of a reward was announced to whoever could find the solution to end this siege of the rats. Within the township lived a man, he was very tall and strong, he almost appeared to be a giant, a quiet man that when he smiled he resembled a horse. He wore overalls and carried a huge bat. His hair seemed as if it had a mind of it own and had been through a shipwreck, it stuck out everywhere like a haystack.  The people had nicknamed him Evilo, cause they said if you made him angry you would see pure evil glittering from those eyes and those horse teeth gritted in anger! By profession he was an exterminator and came from a long line of hunters, who had long since forgotten the hunt and just killed pests. His real name was Leo Thorndecker aka EVILO. Evilo had a dream, more than anything he wanted to play baseball, he never had the chance so he was frustrated in his dreams of being famous.

Slowly he walked toward the town center and saw the gathered masses as they all seemed scared and excited. Poor Evilo his eyes were rimmed in red from lack of sleep, he had already been 3 days without resting and you could see the fatigue on his face and the look of concern. He took one of his giant hands and rubbed his  very red eyes, in the other hand he held his huge bat almost dragging it along side of himself. The people looked at him with a look of fear, thinking maybe he would hit someone with that crazed look on his face, they parted the way as he walked by. The listened as Horatio Ledbetter, the town mayor made a proclamation that a reward would be given to the person able to rid them of the rats. Mayor Ledbetter, was a small man with a balding headm his face resembled a weasel with tiny glasses that made his eyes look huge. The man loved eating as you could see from his huge belly, it resembled a huge hot air balloon, He loved the importance of his position in the township, his supposed royalty amongst the lesser folk that surrounded him. With an air of  eloquence this weasel with the high pitched voice, and very nasal tone spoke as he peered over his spectacles perched over a huge red nose that almost glowed. He took his position seriously and considered his words of eloquence were quite elite in the tiny township. His wife considered herself the Queen, as she stood near her husband. What a pair, she looked like am old hen losing feathers, you could almost imagine her clucking and strutting in her nervous way.

Evilo, surveyed the crowd as he listened and rubbed his eyes, the words reward hit him with full!!!!! Just as the Mayor was about to end his speech...suddenly Evilo saw out of the corner of his tired red eyes, he spied a huge rat about the size of large cat, its red eyes glowed and its teeth seemed to snarl at the mayor, as if understanding there was a threat to his kindred, the rat population.
Evilo suddenly moved like a swift panther. He lifted the huge bat just as the rat was about to pounce upon the unsuspecting victim, the Mayor. Evilo, swung the bat with tremendous force hitting the rat as it flew in the air at a fantastic speed. If it had been in slow motion you could see the look of pain as it gaping jaws and crooked teeth seemed to squeak in its flight. Almost 6 blocks away there was a silversmiths shop, it had this huge cauldron filled with hot silver.  The smithy would make his silver creations into jewelry and other gifts for the township.

As if by precision, designed by an unknown force, he had moved into another room just as the huge rat came flying into his shop right into the boiling cauldron. One last long brief squeek was heard as all the people went running to see the commotion, knowing that Evilo had saved the Mayor's life. The smithy returned and fished out the huge silver plated rat with a look of total astonishment. The Mayor quickly ran towards Evilo to give his thanks and proclaim him man of the year!
He would have moved faster, if not for his huge belly that impeded his steps. It jiggled and wobbled as he drew near to Evilo. Grabbing the huge hand he shook it like a pump, thinking how would the town do without his refined presence. THe rats knew their esteemed leader had been exterminated and without direction scattered about the streets leaving as quickly as they had come to the small township. The people shouted and hooted loudly as they ran around Evilo, singing his praises in a festive mood. There were many invitations for chicken dinners, for Evilo and his family and praises for his swiftness and stealth. They lifted Evilo, onto their shoulders and carried him around the town square. Stumbling as if drunk by his huge size and weight. The Mayor proclaimed that there must be a day of official celeberation for the town to honor their hero.

The celebration was to be held the next day and the township was excited with the prospect of living in a rat free town.  Meanwhile the smithy in his shop returned to his smelting cauldron, and fished out the hideous rat. there was this huge lump, when it cooled and hardened it was the fiercest looking silver rat. Its once yellowed fangs now sparkled, the face resembled one of  hate and pain. The smithy added two red rubies for the was a hideous looking thing, yet one was compelled  to look at it again and again in amazement and terror. The Mayor huffing and puffing eneter the Smithy's shop wishing to find a trophy worthy of Evilo's conquest over the vermin that had invaded the town. He suddenly saw the hideous silver rat, seeing the beast all covered in sliver with its gleaming red ruby eyes as the perfect gift of appreciation for the Hero of the Day. The smithy created a sliver loop and ran a beautiful red silk ribbon through it completing its weird elegance. It would be placed with honor around the neck of the unsuspecting Evilo.

Fast forward, the next day the town square was decorated with ribbons and balloons, children were running and laughing when suddenly the town musician's, know for their unique symphonic orchestra of 3 a Banjo played by Billy Joe Blue, a large wash tub served as a drum played by Sammy Whittaker & a wooden flute played by Billy Bob Turnpike started up the music. There was dancing and jumping all around, you could see food, watermelons slices and so many treats it covered the long table with Evilo, in the seat of honor, he looked down digging his toe into the earth, feeling humbled and happy that at least he had gained some fame, though not in Baseball, he had conquered with his might bat! An echo that would resound through the township and its annals of history and accomplishments.
The festivities lasted well into the night, but the highlight was the presenting of the reward 2 dozen chicken's and feed for them, a cow and a $10.00 gold piece and 1 jackass.

The mayor walked to the podium and called, Evilo forward. There was hush over the crowd as all eyes looked at the Hero. The Mayor's voice seemed to squeak higher than usual or was it he had eaten too much and trying to catch his breath, being the connoisseur of gourmet food that he considered himself?  
The voice echoed "We are gathered here today to honor a man, no more than a man, a hero for all time, Ladies & Gentlemen. He rescued our town from the evil vermin that overran us and he saved my life."  "We found a gift , no a commemoration that will live on in the courage and strength it deserves for this honored man that stands before us, his unselfish modest demeanor, deserves more, but what he has done for us will never be forgotten."
All the people waiting with bated breath to see the prize gasped as they saw this huge silver covered rat on a silk red ribbon placed around the neck of Evilo, officially named esteemed and proclaimed Horatio Thorndecker, man of the year!
It was a night the town of "Never Been There", would never forget. A huge display of fireworks lit up the night that could be seen into the next township, just over the hill.

That was over 100 years ago and every year a smaller version of the "Silver Rat", is rewarded to honor those that have valiantly honored their town, with an act of self sacrifice or something distinguishing that honors the people of the town. IN this small hamlet there is a museum with a drawing of Horatio Thorndecker and the "Sliver Rat" in a glass case that is visited by passing through strangers that marvel at the hideous prize and can only imagine the celebration that is documented there for all to see. Its a place of honor, dignity and respect for those that live to serve their town. The huge bat, now lies in view for all to behold its mighty legend and remember the force of it's impact upon all who see it.

Many men are called to serve valiantly, some are called to greatness but there will always be only ONE Evilo, who's name will never be forgotten.

The End

This is a story I wrote for my sisters kids, about 7 years ago. They laughed so hard and always wanted a repeat of the weird and unusual story their aunt created for them. So after all this time I found the original and decided to submit this weird tale of happiness and woe...ha ha ha.

The main purpose was to introduce new words into their vocabulary and make it fun...the work of an aunt is not to be underestimated, we can be weird but helpful in a crazy way!

And no I was not on drugs!!!! lol
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